Friday, May 6, 2011

Some great words from Melissa Monroe on the Atkins page."before I log off today I thought I'd share with you all what keeps me motivated & why in my prayers at night before I fall asleep, I thank God for putting Dr. Atkins in our lives...."I think about those mothers that can't get on the rides at Disneyland with their children be...cause they don't fit in the seat of a ride....I think about that man I saw on a plane that had to buy two seats because that was the airlines policy for overweight people....and I think about that woman that when she died had to be lifted out of her home by a forklift through a boken wall....when I think about these people and even cancer patients that don't have the ability to walk because they are soo weak, well I must admit my feet walk just alittle faster that day on the treadmill....Bless you all, and have a wonderful low-carb evening"
what's keeping you from going atkins and being healthy?  This is a great plan.  Is it coincidence that an atkins-like diet is what they put patients on who have diabetes?  Why not make the smart choices now to prevent suffering during your golden years?   

CLEAN atkins day/No foofoo friday!

I don't know about you, but for me, sweeteners are part of an everyday diet for me.  Today I'm making the commitment to have NO SWEETENERS, for ONE WHOLE DAY!.   It's already killing me.  I tend to have a piece of SF candy after every meal, i just crave the chocolate.  After my bacon and eggs this morning, my mind was thinking "chocolate time!", but i had to resist the urge.  Not to mention, i usually have starbucks sugar free syrup in my coffee, and soda and/or energy drink that is sugar free.  That's just too much daily sweeteners, and some of them are toxic after a long peroid of time.  It's hard, but I know I can do it....and I just tell myself a smaller body is in process!!
sooo, no SF candies, atkins bars/shakes, no sweetener in my coffee, and the list goes on, just clean foods today.  I'm hoping that after one day of doing this, i can do it AGAIN and that sweetened things will be a treat and not part of a daily diet.

If you are one of my non-low carb dieting friends, let this be a challenge to you as well, no sugar for a day!  Make sure you read the nutrition on packaging to steer clear!

**I've had someone say to me since i've posted this post "regarding the blog: Atkins is a high fat, moderate protein, and low carb way of eating. I don't exceed my 3 non-caloric sweeteners a day (and count them as one carb and one sweetener) because that is what the "new book" says".  Well thank you, because for some reason, i didn't feel a need to count a sweetener as a carb if it said 0 carb, but I think that if i counted the serving of sweetener as a carb, that would help me out a ton!
It's just hard to stay w/in the 3 allowed a day because most energy drink are 2 servings!  I need to start bringing a coffee cup and green tea bags to work with me!**

I MUST NOT BE THE ONLY ONE ON ATKINS WITH THIS ISSUE THOUGH, it's good to have some light shed on it though :)

What I ate today:
-BREAKFAST: 2 eggs and bacon with hot green tea
-SNACK #1:     1 serving of macadamia nuts
-LUNCH:          Mcdonalds double cheeseburger, no condiments, pickles or onions, with lettuce and tomato
-SNACK #2:    salt and vinegar pork rinds
-DINNER:        steak w/ sauted onions and cubed radishes in butter with a salad (romaine, cheddar cheese, cucumber, 1 carb creamy ceasar)

It was kinda challenging the first half of the day, but this evening feels easier!  I'm happy I was able to do this.  I need to keep this up and keep better track of my sweetener count in the future.  It feels good to take control of my eating instead of my eating taking control of me. 

***the different colors in today's blog means I wrote those portions at different times of the day***.