Some great words from Melissa Monroe on the Atkins page."before I log off today I thought I'd share with you all what keeps me motivated & why in my prayers at night before I fall asleep, I thank God for putting Dr. Atkins in our lives...."I think about those mothers that can't get on the rides at Disneyland with their children be...cause they don't fit in the seat of a ride....I think about that man I saw on a plane that had to buy two seats because that was the airlines policy for overweight people....and I think about that woman that when she died had to be lifted out of her home by a forklift through a boken wall....when I think about these people and even cancer patients that don't have the ability to walk because they are soo weak, well I must admit my feet walk just alittle faster that day on the treadmill....Bless you all, and have a wonderful low-carb evening"
what's keeping you from going atkins and being healthy? This is a great plan. Is it coincidence that an atkins-like diet is what they put patients on who have diabetes? Why not make the smart choices now to prevent suffering during your golden years?
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